Charlene Farthing, PA-C

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Charlene is a member of the American Academy of Physician Assistants and the Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants.

Photo of Charlene Farthing

As a certified Physician Assistant at Tri-Cities Skin & Cancer, Charlene Farthing brings thirteen years of professional dermatology experience to her patients. Charlene maintains her emphasis on the medical side, treating everything from acne and eczema to skin cancer.

Her professional journey dates back to 1999, when she earned her Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology from the University of Rhode Island, where she also minored in Spanish. She then pursued medical studies at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, CA, where she obtained her masters degree in Physician Assistant Studies in 2002.

Charlene’s passion for dermatology and medicine is not limited to the examination room. She periodically serves on medical mission trips to underserved countries with the Christian Medical and Dental Association. This charitable endeavor allows Charlene to apply her skills and her calling equally. When she’s not treating patients, Charlene volunteers at her county animal shelter, where she serves as founder of animal welfare, a non-profit group. She also enjoys spending time on her farm with her husband. They enjoy riding horses, gardening and hiking with their dogs.

What is a Dermatology Physician Assistant?

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